Friday, May 23, 2014

Happy Second Blog-iversery!

Well, it's been two years since this blog started, and even though I no longer post on this site regularly, I'm still very active on tumblr.

Thanks for everyone's support!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I am so so lucky

I feel so lucky to have my boyfriend. Last night, he came over and we watched a movie, and this song I hate came on.  And he just held me close to his chest and held his hand over my other ear, so I could listen to his heartbeat instead of the song.

It's so lovely that he understands how comforting his heart is to me. If I'm upset, he'll pull me to his chest, because he knows that it helps. Sometimes he'll lie his head on my chest for a listen too, and it's really a nice feeling.

It's been amazing to have someone to share my heart interest with. I haven't been blogging a ton, but I'm still active on tumblr. :) Maybe I'll start writing again soon though.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hello Again

It's been a while since I've posted last. School and such.

I have a new boyfriend now, and he's sweet, interesting, smart, creative and absolutely lovely. He also has the most calming, comforting heartbeat I've ever heard.
It's been really cool, because he seems to have a bit of a heart interest as well, and it's been really nice getting to cuddle up together and share our hearts (and body heat because it's been absolutely freezing!)
Oops, now this blog might be going back to going on and on about my boyfriend and how wonderful he is.
Oh well, my tumblr's still mostly heart related

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Random personal facts (and over analysis)

A few days ago, I learned that I was born a few weeks before my due date.
There weren't any major complications, but learning that made me wonder if it has anything to do with this heart thing. If maybe I missed a few weeks of heartbeats and comfort and got stuck in this cold, loud, scary world earlier than I was supposed to. And maybe this interest and love and fascination for heartbeats is making up for the time I lost...

I don't know. I'm probably over thinking it, still, I'd wonder if that could be a possible cause for anyone...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Update

So not much going on.
School starts pretty soon, which is both scary and exciting. this summer's been nice, but I'm glad to get to go back and see people more often.
Otherwise, I'm still updating the list of cardiophile tumblrs when I get the chance. :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Listener or Listenee?

Well, I posted this question on HBP, but I figured I might answer it here, because I actually feel like talking about it.

As far as the heart-sharing goes, I usually prefer to have someone listen to my heart than to listen to someone else's. I absolutely adore listening, but it just feels so different to share with someone you're close to. To feel their head on your chest and to see the way your heartbeat affects them. It feels like giving a gift of sorts, like you're letting them hear a secret meant for them alone.