I really think that this is one of the sweetest, most adorable things in the world. (photo credit to http://stethme.tumblr.com/ ) There is nothing that I would love more than to be able to openly listen to my boyfriend's heart, and I love the way it was stated on the above mentioned website: "You know for a fact just by the way she’s looking at him that she fully intends on taking care of his heart in multiple ways forever.". That is what I would love, to be able to take care of my bf and his heart forever.
The thing I find most comforting is the feeling of my boyfriend's heart beating as he holds me close to him. I feel so secure and loved when he does that.
The thing that scares me the most is when he doesn't take care of himself. I felt myself starting to get emotional when he joked about ordering a double bacon cheeseburger. I know that this probably sounds ridiculous, but it upset me a lot, to think of the damage he could be doing to his heart. I really love him and I feel like we will spend the rest of our lives together, and that's part of the reason it upset me. I want him and his heart to be with me forever, I just wish I had the words to say it.
Well, that's about enough worried rambling for now, For those of you who want and are able to reply: What comforts you the most? What are you most afraid of?
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